you have to create a user parameter, which starts a “disk-search”-script on the host. This script searches for the disks and outputs a list (in json notification). #!/bin/sh disks=`ls -l /dev/*da* | awk '{print $NF}' | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}'` first="1" echo "{" echo " \"data\":[" for disk in $disks do if [ "$first" -eq "0" ] then printf ",\n" fi first="0" printf " {\"{#DEVICE}\":\"$disk\"}" done printf "\n ] \n}"
#zabbix_agentd.conf UserParameter = discovery.disks,
Now restart the zabbix-agentd and test the script output interactively:
shell> zabbix_get -s -k "discovery.disks" { "data":[ {"{#DEVICE}":"ada0"}, {"{#DEVICE}":"ada1"}, {"{#DEVICE}":"da0"}, {"{#DEVICE}":"da1"} ] }
If everything is in order, you can now use this user-parameter (key=discovery.disks) in an discovery-rule in zabbix. The substitution name for the devices is “{#DEVICE}”