- every menu entry is a text file with the suffix “.desktop“
- the menu entries are located in two different folders:
for all users (global): /usr/share/applications (note: you need root-privileges to edit this folder) for local user (local): ~/.local/share/applications
- the textfile consists of the following structure:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=<used encoding for example UTF-8> Exec=<path of a binary or script used to start the programm> Icon=<path to the icon for the entry for example PNG> Type=<type for example Application> Terminal=<true|false to start in terminal> Name=<displayed name in the menu> GenericName=<description of the entry> StartupNotify=<true|false for startup notification> Categories=<category>
example “warsow.desktop”:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=warsow Icon=/home/USER/my/icons/wsw-icon_80x80.png Type=Application Terminal=false Name=Warsow GenericName=warsow StartupNotify=false Categories=Game