If you try to update a plugin or theme in WordPress and you get the error message: “Download failed. There are no HTTP transports available which can complete the requested request” you have to enable/install the PHP-plugins curl and openssl.
If you use prebuild PHP-packages from your distribution, you have to edit the php configfile php.ini and enable the plugins:
extension = php_curl.so
extension = php_openssl.so
If you compile PHP from source, you have to add the following options to your ./configure command:
How can i check, if the PHP-plugins are enabled?
You have to made a little php-website with phpinfo()-command and open this site in your webbrowser. This status-site must list the enabled plugins:
cURL support = enabled
openSSL support = enabled
Afterwars WordPress can automatically connect via URL to the servers and download the requested files. 🙂